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Necklace Pendant Cutting and Engraving with MAGIC™-E4 (ft. Pendant Backside Engraving)

Updated: Dec 30, 2024

Redt’s CNC engravers and fiber laser marking machines are built and designed for multipurpose use.

They are designed to make engraving, cutting and laser marking safe, quick and easy on almost all types of metals and non-metals!


If you’re looking for a CNC engraver that does both engraving and cutting on jewelry and accessory, then we’ve got you covered!


Introducing MAGIC™-E4, a multipurpose desktop engraver built to produce high-quality and precise engraving and cutting results on various jewelry and accessory that come in different forms and sizes.

With necklace pendants like this one, MAGIC™-E4 is capable of doing a perfect cut and a polished engraving in no time!

Let us show you how it's done!


Cutting & Engraving

(1) Prepare the material to cut.

Here, we will use an aluminum plate.

(2) Install the cutting clamp.

(3) Put a silicone pad over the cutting clamp.

Take note that it is important to put a silicone pad to prevent the tool from damaging or breaking the plate.

(4) Put the plate on top of the silicone pad.

(5) Secure the plate to the cutting clamp.

Be sure to tightly screw the clamps on all corners.

(6) Create an image design in the MagicEngrave™ program and select a Toolpath.

Click the [Start Engraving] button to start the engraving and cutting process.

(7) Put cutting oil.

Take note that cutting oil is applied to reduce friction during the cutting and engraving process.

(7) Install the engraving tool.


The engraving process begins.

Here, MAGIC™-E4 engraves the design on the surface of the material.

Once the engraving process is complete, proceed to cutting.

(8) Replace the tool with a cutting tool.


The cutting process begins.

Here, MAGIC™-E4 cuts the image design.

Final Result

Now let’s proceed to engraving the backside of the pendant!


Backside Engraving

(1) Install the pendant clamp.

(2) Install the diamond scribing tool.

Flipped Image

(3) In the MagicEngrave™ program, flip the image design.

When engraving the backside of the pendant, be sure to click the flip image icon to invert the image before creating a new image design.

(4) Save the flipped image as a new template then open a [New] work area, select the added template and enter a text design.

Here, we will engrave a name along with a phone number on the backside.

(5) Create a Toolpath, select the engraving options then click the [Start Engraving] button to start the engraving process.


Here is our beautifully engraved front and back necklace pendant!


How do you like the result?


MAGIC™-E4, the best jewelry engraver for pendant customization!



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